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Critical Infrastructure Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) Consulting and Advisory Solutions

16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors

The very backbone of the American way of life relies on our 16 critical infrastructure sectors that are so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a detrimental effect on our entire nation. Centris offers Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) advisory services and solutions to all 16 sectors. Critical infrastructure is incredibly broad, and includes sectors that, according to the Department of Homeland Security, “…whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the United States.”

Furthermore, Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21): Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, promotes a national policy for strengthening and maintaining secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure. While there are many moving parts in the broader aspect of critical infrastructure, it’s essential that organizations have a firm grasp on understanding their entire third-party supply chain. With Centris our Design & Deploy TPRM solutions help organizations build comprehensive third party risk management programs for the financial, life sciences, healthcare, energy, critical infrastructure, manufacturing, retail, technology, and legal sectors.

Third-Party Risk Management Critical Infrastructure Supply Chain Experts

Specifically, Information and communications technology (ICT) is integral for the daily operations and functionality of U.S. critical infrastructure. If vulnerabilities are successfully exploited in the third-party ICT supply chain, the consequences can be disastrous for not only your organization, but potentially any organization in your supply chain. The domino effect can be deadly, to say the least. At Centris, we work with both government and industry partners to ensure that comprehensive supply chain risk management (SCRM) is an integrated component of security and resilience planning for America’s critical infrastructure.

Centris offers industry leading third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions for the following critical infrastructure sectors as defined by the Department of Homeland Security:

  1. Chemical Sector
  2. Commercial Facilities Sector
  3. Communications Sector
  4. Critical Manufacturing Sector
  5. Dams Sector
  6. Defense Industrial Base Sector
  7. Emergency Services Sector
  8. Energy Sector
  9. Financial Services Sector
  10. Food and Agriculture Sector
  11. Government Facilities Sector
  12. Healthcare and Public Health Sector
  13. Information Technology Sector
  14. Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
  15. Transportation Systems Sector
  16. Water and Wastewater Systems Sector


Leaders in Security & Regulatory Compliance

Risk Strategies & Methodologies
Risk management planning reduces exposure to a wide-range of issues that could have detrimental effects on a business. Not knowing, planning, or responding to risks and related issues can leave an organization with few options in combating risks when they actually surface.
Strategic Planning & Integration
Every organization is moving towards a digitized business model, so isn’t it time to strategize on some of the most critically important elements for your business?
Regulatory Compliance Experts
Build scalable, adaptable, and efficient compliance solutions for increased organizational efficiency, while also improving core InfoSec, cybersecurity, operational and data privacy controls and best practices.

Industry Leading Critical Infrastructure Third-Party Risk Management Services

Over the past decade, there have been a large number of laws and legislative measures aimed directly at securing America’s critical infrastructure. From White House Executive Orders to industry specific regulations, critical infrastructure is on everybody’s minds, and for good reason. With Centris, we offer an incredibly comprehensive process for helping organizations dig deep into their supply chain for gaining greater insight into ones’ third-party relationships.

Our signature “Design & Deploy” methodology is incredibly comprehensive, yet scalable for any industry within the broader 16 critical infrastructure sectors. Additionally, to complement our “Design & Deploy” TPRM services, we also offer any number of professional solutions for helping strengthen your overall supply chain, such as performing risk assessments, developing necessary policies and procedures, writing disaster recovery plans, undertaking tabletop exercises, and much more.

“Design & Deploy” – Industry Leading Third-Party Risk Management Process

Centris’ “Design & Deploy” services will get you up to speed in no time. Core concepts included within our proven process for critical infrastructure third-party risk management include the following phases:

  1. Framework Considerations
  2. Scoping Considerations
  3. Identification & Classification
  4. Risk Assignment
  5. Due-Diligence & On-Boarding
  6. Continuous Monitoring
  7. Follow-Up/Reporting and Corrective-Action
  8. Off-Boarding
  9. Training

How Centris Can Help with Critical Infrastructure Third-Party Risk Management

  • We can design & deploy a rock-solid TPRM program for your organization.
  • We’re experts at developing all required TPRM documentation (i.e., policies, etc.).
  • We can integrate our services with any number of TPRM software solutions.
  • We can help monitor your security controls.
"...Security and Risk Management (SRM) leaders [in critical infrastructure] should accelerate efforts to discover, map and assess the security posture of all cyber-physical systems in their environment."
- Gartner

Why Centris for Critical Infrastructure Third-Party Risk Management?

  • Superior TPRM subject matter expertise for the broader CI sector.
  • Successful TPRM implementations all throughout North America.
  • Seamless integration with all of today’s TPRM software tools.

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