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FBI CJIS Security Policy | Who’s in Scope, NIST 800-53, and More

| CENTRIS | State & Federal

The requirement for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) compliance applies to organizations that access, handle, store, or transmit criminal justice information (CJI) provided by or through the FBI's CJIS Division. 

CJIS compliance is mandatory for entities that fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs): This includes federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies that access and use CJI for law enforcement purposes.
  • Non-criminal justice agencies: Some non-law enforcement agencies, such as courts, probation offices, correctional facilities, and certain civil agencies, may also have access to CJI for specific criminal justice functions. These agencies are also required to comply with CJIS security policies.
  • Third-Party Service Providers: Organizations that provide services to law enforcement or criminal justice agencies and have access to CJI on their behalf are referred to as "criminal justice agencies or organizations" (CJAs or CJOs). These third-party service providers must adhere to CJIS security policies and undergo a formal CJIS Security Addendum process.

It's important to note that CJIS compliance requirements are primarily relevant to the United States and its territories. The CJIS Security Policy outlines the specific security controls, protocols, and requirements that organizations must follow to ensure the protection and appropriate handling of CJI. Compliance with these requirements is essential to maintaining the security, integrity, and confidentiality of criminal justice information.

CJIS and NIST 800-53

The FBI CJIS Security Policy incorporates and references the NIST 800-53 security controls as a basis for its own requirements. The CJIS Security Policy recognizes the comprehensive and widely accepted nature of NIST 800-53 and leverages it as a framework for the implementation of security controls within the context of CJIS systems and Criminal Justice Information (CJI) protection.

By utilizing NIST 800-53, the FBI CJIS Security Policy aligns itself with industry best practices and benefits from the depth and breadth of controls provided by the NIST publication. It ensures that CJIS systems meet a high standard of security, consistent with other federal agencies and organizations that adhere to NIST 800-53.

Therefore, organizations seeking compliance with FBI CJIS requirements often find it helpful to reference and implement the security controls and guidelines outlined in NIST 800-53, as it serves as a valuable resource for building a robust security posture and aligning with CJIS security standards.

CJIS Best Practices

When striving for compliance with the FBI CJIS Security Policy, it's beneficial to implement the following best practices:

  • Understand the Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements outlined in the CJIS Security Policy. Take the time to thoroughly read and comprehend the policy to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your obligations.
  • Perform a Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Criminal Justice Information (CJI). This assessment will help determine the appropriate security controls to implement.
  • Establish Access Controls: Implement robust access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to CJI. This includes strong user authentication mechanisms, role-based access control (RBAC), and regular access reviews to manage privileges effectively.
  • Protect CJI in Transit and at Rest: Implement encryption mechanisms to protect CJI both in transit and at rest. This involves securing networks and communication channels with encryption protocols, as well as encrypting stored CJI to safeguard against unauthorized access.
  • Implement Incident Response and Reporting: Establish an effective incident response plan to promptly address security incidents and breaches. Ensure that personnel are trained to detect, respond to, and report security incidents in accordance with the CJIS Security Policy's requirements.
  • Conduct Security Awareness Training: Provide regular security awareness training to all personnel who handle CJI. This training should cover topics such as information security best practices, data handling procedures, and the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of CJI.
  • Perform Regular Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct periodic internal audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of security controls and identify areas for improvement. These audits help ensure ongoing compliance with the CJIS Security Policy and provide insights into potential vulnerabilities.
  • Maintain Documentation: Maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation of policies, procedures, security controls, and incident response plans. This documentation should align with the CJIS Security Policy requirements and serve as a reference for auditing purposes.
  • Stay Updated on Policy Changes: Keep track of any updates or changes to the CJIS Security Policy. Regularly review the policy and ensure that your organization's security practices align with the latest requirements.
  • Engage with CJIS Information Security Officers (CISOs): Establish a relationship with CJIS Information Security Officers (CISOs) who can provide guidance, answer questions, and assist with compliance efforts. They can offer valuable insights and assistance in implementing best practices and addressing any concerns related to the CJIS Security Policy.

By following these best practices, organizations can enhance their compliance with the FBI CJIS Security Policy and strengthen the security posture around handling Criminal Justice Information (CJI).

We Provide a Full Life Cycle of Solutions for FBI CJIS Policy Compliance

Why Centris for FBI CJIS Policy Compliance?
  • Years of FBI CJIS Expertise all throughout North America.
  • Customized Documentation for Policies and Procedures, and more.
  • Industry Leading FBI CJIS Testing and Reporting Matrix Template.